Western Kentucky University, Department of Philosophy & Religion
ca ssandra.pinnick@wku.edu
(google and google scholar: cassandra pinnick; cassandra l. pinnick)
Ph.D., Philosophy, April 1993, University of Hawaii: “Rationality Theory and the Strong Programme in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge” Larry Laudan, Chair.
B.A., Philosophy/Mathematics, 1972, University of Southern California.
Areas of Specialization
Elementary and Advanced Logic, Advanced Argumentation, Legal and Scientific Methodology, Science and Values, Philosophy and History of Science, Epistemology of Science
Areas of Competence
Science and Technology, History of Modern Philosophy, Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, Appraisal of the Feminist Critique of Science
Faculty Appointments
Professor, Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Western Kentucky University, 2003
Associate Professor, Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Western Kentucky University, 1998-2003
Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Western Kentucky University, 1993-1998
Instructor, Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Western Kentucky University, 1992-1993
Professional Offices and Service
Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Gto
Sasakawa International Fellow, Japan Studies Institute
Executive Secretary, International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)
Past President, Kentucky Philosophical Association
Past Secretary-Treasurer, Kentucky Philosophical Association
Current and Recent Professional and Research Activity
Guest Editor, Special Issue, Science & Education, "Women, Science Education, and Feminist Theory: an Appraisal." Forthcoming 2007.
Presenter, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 6th Annual International Conference, "Learning How to Learn: Practical Implications and Learning Methodologies," May 2006.
Invited Lecture, Greek Mathematical Society, "The Duty to Master Math: Linking Quantiative Reasoning and Good Citizenship," November 2006.
Invited essay, Divinatio: Studia Culturologica, "The Epistemology of Science: Scientific Realism and Vestigial Cognitive Aims." Forthcoming 2007.
Contributed chapter on "Feminist Approaches," for "The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Science," Martin Curd and Stathis Psillos eds. Forthcoming 2007.
Manuscript in preparation: "Quantifying Justice: Error, Law, and the 'Prosecutor's Fallacy'."
Manuscript in preparation: "Persistent Absence: Methodological Feminism and the Status of Women in Academic Science."
Selected Publications: Book and contributed chapters.
Scrutinizing Feminist Epistemology: An Examination of Gender in Science, Cassandra L. Pinnick, Noretta Koertge, Robert F. Almeder (eds.), Rutgers University Press. 2003.
"Malebranch" in Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution: 1600-1720, C. Baker ed., Greenwood Press. 2002.
"What's Wrong with the Strong Programme's Case Study of the 'Hobbes-Boyle Dispute'?" in A House Built on Sand, N. Koertge ed., Oxford University Press. 1998.
Selected Publications: Journal essays (refereed only).
"The Failed Feminist Challenge to 'Fundamental Epistemology'," Science & Education 14: 103-116.
"Feminist Philosophy of Science: High Hopes" Metascience 9: 2 257-266.
"Francis Bacon: A Sure Plan" Metascience 7: 3 515-523.
"Epistemology of Technology Assessment: Collingridge, Forecasting Methodologies, and Technological Control" Philosophy in the Contemporary World 3: 1 14-18.
"Feminist Philosophy: Implications for Philosophy of Science" Philosophy of Science 61: 646-657.
"Cognitive Commitment and the Strong Programme in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge" Social Epistemology 6: 289-298.
Primary Instructional Responsibilities.
Elementary Logic, Advanced Logic, Advanced Argumentation.
Other Instructional Experience:
Introduction to Philosophy, Epistemology & Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Problems in the History of Science, History of Modern Philosophy, Freud and Wagner: the 'Ring' Cycle.
Complete C.V. available on request.
My Professional Work and Activity